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Difficult times require creative solutions, Reach project is kept remote working to make the project happen!

We were supposed to be in Skhodra all together to discuss the first output of the project: the need analysis.

The current Covid19 emergency has stopped our travels but not our commitment to the project, so here we are all online!

The global nature of the COVID 19 pandemic is still affecting the lives of
all of us, continuing to pose daily challenges and demanding a great spirit of adaptation to new styles and rhythms of life. In compliance with the current containment measures, the closing meeting of Work Package 1 also establishing the official start of the core of our REACH project, which cannot take place in presence of all Albanian and European partners. Therefore, a mixed modality has been adopted for implementing the project activities. Not being able to travel and meet, clashed with the need to know each other and discuss the project.

We want to REACH a collaborative project, with all partners being involved in the WPs and working together on the expected outcomes. Thus, data that emerged from WP 1 need analysis have been presented in a dynamic and stimulating way.

Thanks to the web platforms we were able to dissuss the process of the project together, creating also working groups.

This project meeting addresses three keys issues:

  • Skills and competencies
  • Equipment and facilities
  • Impact and dissemination

We shared impressions, feelings, and our plans about the next step of the project which is working package number two and the realization of the communication and dissemination training courses.

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Project Outputs WP1 Needs Analysis Report

Image by Richard Mcall from Pixabay