The Reach project partners met in person for the last time in Tirana from 12 to 13 January 2024 for the final meeting at UART.

In the presence of Pjeter Guralumi (UART), Aurora Dibra (UNISHK), Antonio Penso (Fondazione Flaminia), Veronica Lazzari (Fondazione Flaminia- CIFLA), Ingrid Jushi (Ministry of Education and Sports) Rajmonda Kecira (UNISHK), Mariangela Vandini (UNIBO), Erjola Djepaxhija (UNISHK), Diana Muriqi (UNISHK), Eni Masha (UPT), Alma Afezolli (UPT), Belisa Muka (ASA), Edlira Andoni (ICOM), Mikel Temo (UART), Ilir Kaso (UART), Anrol Shululli (UART student) Geol Voci (UART student), the discussion focused mainly on the valorisation of the project results, project sustainability, weakness of the achieved results, impact of the project data and information to integrate actions to guarantee the sustainability of the project. The innovative role of the project in the research and academic activities of the institutions involved was also assessed.

Several ideas on sustainability were put forward, among which other summer schools on the topic of cultural heritage, partnership agreements and memorandum for the joint use of the laboratories equipped by the projects, and mobility programmes for the lecturers trained within REACH activities.

Edlira Andoni talked about the work of International Council of Museums (ICOM) in Albania.

Ingrid Jushi and Mariangela Vandini discussed how to prepare the draft MoU for submission to the Ministry of Culture. The series of ministerial visits carried out in Ravenna, Bologna, Pontevedra, Santiago de Compostela (the Galician Regional Council) and Urbino, together with the two representatives of the National Cultural Heritage Institute of the Ministry of Culture of Albania, was crucial to the creation of a platform for cooperation between the two ministries.

The project coordinator introduced to the team Mr. Raffaele Longo (joining online) who is in charge of carrying out the external quality evaluation.

With a little bit of sadness, we left in the hope of meeting soon for future projects in the field of promoting the element that unites us all: our common cultural heritage.