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Training on the Job in Ravenna

From 15th to 17th December 2021 Albanian delegation from the University of Art, the Polytechnic University of Tirana, the Univesity of Shkodra, and the Academia of Albanian Studies came to Ravenna to conclude the second part of the training course foreseen in the WP3.

The training courses foreseen in the project are an important part of the Capacity Building activities and they have been planned as part of a process of mutual exchange of competence, knowledge, and skills.

These training classes on the job are a crucial part of the technology transfer and Capacity Building process, where participants will conduct innovative and interdisciplinary research activities in the field of conservation and restoration of cultural heritage.

Due to the Covid19 emergency, we weren’t able to organize travel and study visits as we planned, therefore we started the first part of training in remote in march 2021.

Ravenna is the first step of three training on the job, two of them in Italy (Ravenna and Urbino) while the third will be in Spain.

The remaining two training will be organized at the beginning of 2022

The participants will have the chance to attend experimental pilot action on materials, tools, and equipment previously selected by the Eu partner among their ongoing projects.